Statistics Aggregation

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Statistics Aggregation

The numeric output of VOI statistics as well as the numerical output of other tools can be compiled into a single aggregate file for further statistic analysis. Aggregation is supported for

VOI statistics (.voistat files);

kinetic tissue parameters from the PKIN tool (.kinPar files);

the cardiac perfusion results of PCARD tool(.pcardRes files);

the discrimination results of the PALZ tool (.palzRes files).

Each of the tools has an appropriate button picture_6821 for starting the aggregation tool, and the aggregation interface works similarly.

Recommended Data Organization

Typically, the results of a population (control group, subject group) in a certain condition (test, retest) should be compiled into a single aggregate, and comparisons or tests performed between the aggregates.

It is recommended using the labeling facility of PMOD databases which allows defining a Project (Prj) and Group (Grp) label on the level of the image series. This information can be used for results filtering as described below.

In the example used below a VOI analysis has been performed with consistent VOI names using a brain VOI atlas and the results were saved with appropriate component names.