Run All Processing Steps

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Run All Processing Steps

The "Run All" button picture_6739 has two uses.

Re-calculate with Modified Parameters

The Run All functionality is useful when testing the impact of parameters. Simply change the target parameter on any panel and run the full processing.

Re-calculate with New Data

If the desired workflow has proven to be reproducible (i.e. equivalent VOIs can be generated with a stable set of configuration parameters), there is no need to interactively step through the different stages. Rather, the data can be loaded, all processing steps performed unattended, and then the results inspected and saved.

To do so please proceed as follows:

1.Make sure the parameters on the all stages are set appropriately. This can also be ensured by loading a specific protocol file.

2.Load the Input image, and define the crop box if necessary.

3.If there is an Anatomical image as well, load the image, and define the crop box.

4.Activate the "Run All" button picture_6739 from the lateral taskbar. All steps up to the VOI outlining will be performed.

5.Inspect the relevant intermediate results such as matching and spatial normalization to ensure the resulting VOIs are meaningful.

6.Save the VOIs and calculate the statistics.

7.Save a protocol file.

If this mode of operation is successful, the data can alternatively be processed using the batch mode.