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Upgrading a standalone installation of PMOD is straightforward. When using absolute paths for the databases the new PMOD version should be immediately functional after copying the properties folder as the last installation step.
In a more complex environment with clients and servers the following rules should be observed:
1.Absolute paths outside the PMOD installation directory should be used for the databases. If this is not the case they should be moved and the paths adjusted in the configuration.
2.The databases should be backed up before the migration.
3.Server and clients should preferably run the same PMOD version. (To some extent, newer server versions can support older client versions, but not reverse.)
4.The PMOD version on the server should be updated first, followed by the clients.
Server Update
Please perform the following tasks sequentially:
1.Stop all PMOD servers in the order DICOM servers (DS), transaction servers (TS), license servers (LS).
2.Install the new PMOD version and import the properties from the old installation.
3.In Config/DATABASE switch each database to Use Direct Connection, verify it with Echo DB, and run Update & Optimize. Then switch back to Use Transaction Server and generate new starting scripts for the transaction and license servers.
4.In Config/DICOM/DICOM SERVER generate new scripts for the DICOM Servers.
5.Save the configuration and exit PMOD.
6.Start the DICOM, transaction and license servers using the new scripts.
7.Start PMOD and verify with the Configuration utility, that the TS and DS are working properly. To this end use Echo TS and C-Echo.
8.In case of a network license: Exit PMOD and restart the license server (otherwise a license is blocked).
Client Update
1.Install the new PMOD version and import the properties from the old installation. For ATL installations the old properties are not required, as the configuration is centrally stored.
2.Start PMOD, provide the license server details when using a network license, and verify the connections with the transaction and DICOM servers.