VOI Save/Load

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VOI Save/Load


Once a set of contour VOIs has been defined for an image study the VOI definition can be saved using one of the Save option buttons


The buttons have the following function


Saves all of the VOIs together with their names and color in a .voi file.

Save Group

Saves only those VOIs which are checked on the Group tab in a .voi file.

Save as

Saves all VOIs as DICOM structure set objects in a file. Such DICOM structure set objects can be used in image workstations and radiotherapy (RT) planning systems. As the PMOD VOI tools allow constructing VOIs which are more complex than supported by DICOM RT structure set (RTSS) definition, a dialog window asks whether a conversion should be applied



This function also creates DICOM structure set objects, but allows to directly send them to an image workstation or an RT planning system using the DICOM network protocol. A dialog box pops up for selecting the target system among the configured DICOM nodes.


Conversely, contour VOI definitions can be retrieved from files using the Load option buttons


The buttons have the following function


First removes all current VOI definitions and then loads the ones from the selected VOI files.


Loads the VOIs from the selected file and appends them to the current VOI definitions.

Load with

First removes all current VOI definitions, loads the ones from the selected VOI files, and requests a spatial transformation which is applied to the VOIs. All transformations calculated in the PMOD Image Fusion tool are supported, rigid and elastic ones.

Load with  Deformation field (Nifti) / (Database)

First removes all current VOI definitions, loads the one from the selected VOI files, and requests a deformation field. the deformation field refers to a probability matching which returns a transformation in form of an image, which can be read from the file system (Nifti), or from a PMOD Database.


First removes all current VOI definitions and then loads the VOIs from a file containing DICOM RT structure set objects.

Append RTSS

Loads the VOIs from a file containing DICOM RT structure set objects and appends them to the current VOI definitions.

Load STL as VOI

Loads the STL file and it converts it to VOI contour. The result consist of single VOI file from each selected STL file. Please note there is no information in the STL file about the VOI coordinates. Use the VOI action to place the VOI on the image

Append STL as VOI

Loads the STL, it converts it to VOI contour and appends it to the current VOI definition.