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PFUS is PMOD's image registration and fusion tool. Its purpose is to bring images into a common coordinate space where they can be post-processed in different ways.
Depending on the data to be processed, a user is guided in a workflow through the image registration process, so that the procedure is as convenient as possible and the results reproducible. The following types of image registration are available:
▪manual, interactive alignment by shifting and rotating the images;
▪automatic rigid alignment using different image comparison methodologies;
▪SPM5-, SPM8-, SPM12-type elastic deformation to template images;
▪motion correction of dynamic series;
▪registration based on user-defined anatomical or fiducial landmarks.
Once the images are spatially aligned, there are various ways of post-processing supported:
▪different variants of fusing the registered images;
▪visualization of up to 6 fused images in parallel;
▪saving fused images in JPEG/TIFF or as DICOM secondary capture images;
▪pixel-wise image algebra of registered images;
▪volume-of-interest definition directly in fused images;
▪scatter plots of corresponding pixel values in 2 (2D plot) or 3 (3D plot, optional) matched images;
▪rotating MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection) images of up to three fused images.